Friday 10 July 2015

Kopiko by Vaporboy

Kopiko…well, it looks like Kopiko, smells exactly like Kopiko but the taste is like Pukiko! Taste like Sh*t!!! Seriously??? To all juice makers, please do not just sell your juices for a short term profit. This is the perfect example of cheating the market to get them to buy flavors based on the smell and packaging. Please do your R&D for your flavors and do not do this please. Most vapors are vaping after quitting ciggies completely. Sh*t juices like this will only drive vapors to go back to smoking. Please, make good flavors to vapors. See, I have  spent 40 bucks for this juice and I only used a few drops and I will never ever use that again. See, now that’s a loss of money. Didn’t we quit smoking to save some money by vaping? Come on guys…you guys have come up with good flavors. Don’t f*** it up this way.

Rating 1/10 (the 1 is just for the smell)


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  2. rse cam hampeh... igt sme ngan copico... ble tnye asal xde kotak.. dorg ckp ni packing bru... habah ko... rse kopi taik musang..

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