Sunday 16 June 2019

Kardinal Fresa (Tobacco Strawberry)

If I were to start my review for this juice in BM, I would probably say "Mak Datuk Gila sedap juice ni!!!". Seriously this is bloody good, although I did not get much of the strawberry taste still the did get some fruity hint in it. I normally keep my reviews short and simple and then rate it at the end.
I for one at most time vape only fruity flavored juices but will do comment on when I taste an awesome creamy juice and this one here deserve credit, this juice in my good books. Rate 9/10.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Dr Brew Rude Beer (Salt Nic)

My all time favorite juice, I always have a bottle of this juice. Still taste great and still has the awesomeness. Flavoring is on point and chill factor just nice and nic kick is fantastic especially when i take the first few hit in the morning. Love this juice and its recommended for anyone to try. Rate 9/10

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Knowing Salt Nicotine

Firstly we need to know the difference between the Freebase Nicotine and Salt Nicotine.

The nicotine usually used in e-liquid is the freebase (alkaline, otherwise known as a “base”) version as extracted from high yield Nicotiana rustica. It’s the same source of nicotine as used in nicotine replacement products such as patches and gums. Its slightly alkaline properties mean that it’s more efficiently absorbed in the throat and nasal cavity, not so much in the lungs although that works too.
Nicotine salts are produced in an acid/base reaction. For many commercial products the acid used is benzoic acid, which yields benzoic nicotine salts. Because it’s a salt compound, the effective ingredient (nicotine) is less weight-for-weight. 50mg/ml of benzoic nicotine salts is about the equivalent of 27mg/ml of freebase nicotine. It’s important to know what salt you are dealing with and the equivalent nicotine dose so that you can get the concentration right - it’s based on molecular weight.
Because nicotine salts are more pH neutral than freebase, they act a little differently. Absorption is much faster, especially in the lungs, so nicotine blood plasma levels spike a little faster. Many people prefer nicotine salts for
two reasons - the absorption pattern more closely resembles what you get when smoking, and for people who need higher concentrations of the effective ingredient to aid in smoking cessation the effect on the throat is less harsh.
Conversely, many people find the harsher “throat hit” from freebase more closely mimics the smoking experience for them and do not prefer the salt products.
It really comes down to personal choice - both products are intended for the same purpose which is to replace combustible tobacco products and maintain that abstinence.

As for me, I prefer the Nicotine Salt simply because it keeps me away from cigarette and also it is smoother and not so harsh on the throat.

Monday 10 June 2019

Salt Nic Juices

New reviews coming to you soon. Apologise for the long break. Been busy and now back with short simple and reliable reviews.